Tricia Ngoon, Ph.D

Hi! I'm Tricia. I am a learning science and human-computer interaction researcher. In my role as a Research Scientist at TeachFX, I examine how AI-powered, personalized instructional feedback can help teachers improve their discussion practices to give all students a voice in the classroom. Ultimately, my vision is for technologies to help create equitable learning experiences whether that's in formal educational institutions, informal learning environments, or professional learning settings. Previously, I was a NSF STEM Education Postdoctoral Fellow in the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. I received my PhD in Cognitive Science at UC San Diego in the Design Lab and my Bachelor's degree in Psychology from UC Berkeley.

In my free time, I enjoy boxing, trivia and escape rooms, board and video games, and cuddling with my cat, Yukichi!

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Multi-modal Analytics Tools for Personalized & Contextual Teacher Feedback

Teaching is a profession in which feedback is often impersonal and infrequent. In this project, we collaborated with researchers, faculty, and K-12 teachers to design tools to scale human observation and provide automated multimodal analytics through ubiquitous sensing systems in the classroom. My work aims to advance innovation in this domain as well as to understand perceptions and impact around these systems, particularly with regards to ethical AI, privacy, and social dynamics.

  • Prasoon Patidar, Tricia J. Ngoon, Neeharika Vogety, Nikhil Behari, Chris Harrison, John Zimmerman, Amy Ogan, & Yuvraj Agarwal. 2024. Edulyze: Learning Analytics for Real World Classrooms at Scale. Tools and Data Report in Journal of Learning Analytics (JLA).
  • Prasoon Patidar, Tricia J. Ngoon, John Zimmerman, Amy Ogan, & Yuvraj Agarwal. 2024. ClassID: Enabling Student Behavior Attribution from Ambient Classroom Sensing Systems. In ACM Journal on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable, & Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT'24).
  • Tricia J. Ngoon, S Sushil, Angela Stewart, Ung-Sang Lee, Saranya Venkatramen, Neil Thawani, Prasenjit Mitra, Sherice Clarke, John Zimmerman, & Amy Ogan. 2024. ClassInSight: Designing Conversation Support Tools to Visualize Classroom Discussion for Personalized Teacher Professional Development. In ACM Human Factors in Computing (CHI'24) Proceedings.
  • Tricia J. Ngoon, David Kovalev, Prasoon Patidar, Yuvraj Agarwal, Chris Harrison, John Zimmerman, & Amy Ogan. 2023. “An instructor can [already] keep track of 30 students”: Students’ Perceptions of Smart Classrooms for Improving Teaching and Their Emergent Understandings of Teaching and Learning. In ACM Designing Interactive Systems (DIS'23) Proceedings. Honorable Mention (Top 5%)

  • Supporting Teachers in Low-Infrastructure Contexts

    Teachers in low-infrastructure contexts face challenges related to technological, economic, and environmental infrastructure. In this project, we designed a social media-based chatbot to help teachers in rural Côte d'Ivoire get quick, automated guidance and facilitate communication within their communities of practice. Taking an aspirations-based approach, we explore the impact of technology on teacher learning, motivation, self-efficacy, and feelings of community.

  • Tricia J. Ngoon, Vikram Kamath Cannanure, Kaja Jasinska, Sharon Wolf, & Amy Ogan. 2024. “I believe I did not preach into the desert”: Opportunities & Challenges in Scaling Teacher Mentorship through Mobile Technology in Rural Côte d’Ivoire. In ACM Learning at Scale (L@S'24) Proceedings.
  • Vikram Kamath Cannanure, Tricia J. Ngoon, Kaja Jasinska, Sharon Wolf, Amy Ogan, & Tim Brown. 2024. Understanding the Longitudinal Impacts of a Chatbot to Facilitate a Virtual Community of Practice for Teachers in Rural Cote d’Ivoire. In ACM Journal on Computing & Sustainable Societies (COMPASS'24).
  • Vikram Kamath Cannanure, Eloísa Ávila-Uribe, Tricia J. Ngoon, Yves Adji, Sharon Wolf, Kaja Jasińska, Timothy Brown, and Amy Ogan. 2022. “We dream of climbing the ladder; to get there, we have to do our job better”: Designing for Teacher Aspirations in rural Côte d’Ivoire. In ACM Journal on Computing & Sustainable Societies (COMPASS'22).

  • Adaptive Guidance Tools for Supporting Exploratory Thinking in Creative Work

    In any creative domain, novices have difficulty exploring the potential space of possibilities because they don't yet have the domain knowledge to know what to explore nor the procedural knowledge to know how to explore. For my PhD dissertation, I studied strategies to help scaffold novices in exploratory thinking and implemented these strategies within creativity support tools.

  • Tricia J. Ngoon. 2021. Interactive Attunement Catalyzes Creative Learning. UC San Diego Dissertation for Cognitive Science.
  • Tricia J. Ngoon, Joy O. Kim, & Scott Klemmer. 2021. Shöwn: Adaptive Conceptual Guidance Aids Example Use in Creative Tasks. In ACM Designing Interactive Systems (DIS'21) Proceedings.
  • C. Ailie Fraser, Tricia J. Ngoon, Mira Dontcheva, and Scott Klemmer. 2019. RePlay: Contextually Presenting Learning Videos Across Software Applications. In ACM Human Factors in Computing (CHI'19) Proceedings. Honorable Mention (Top 5%)
  • Tricia J. Ngoon*, C. Ailie Fraser*, Ariel S. Weingarten, Mira Dontcheva, and Scott Klemmer. 2018. Interactive Guidance Techniques for Improving Creative Feedback. In ACM Human Factors in Computing (CHI'18) Proceedings. Honorable Mention (Top 5%) (* denotes equal contribution)
  • C. Ailie Fraser, Tricia J. Ngoon, Ariel Weingarten, Mira Dontcheva, & Scott Klemmer. 2017. CritiqueKit: A Mixed-Initiative, Real-Time Interface for Improving Feedback. In ACM User Interface Software & Technology (UIST'17) Companion.

  • Other Projects

    Throughout my career, I am fortunate to have collaborated on several projects related to creativity, patterning in children, and math cognition.

    CogSci '22 (Abstract), C&C '19 (Extended abstract), CSCW '16 (Demo), L@S '16 (Extended abstract), NPJ '18, Journal of Neuroscience '15

    Recent News & Travel

  • Jul 17-20, 2024: In Atlanta, GA attending and presenting at L@S 2024.
  • Jul 2024: Our paper, "Edulyze: Learning Analytics for Real World Classrooms at Scale," was accepted as a Tools & Data report in the Journal of Learning Analytics!
  • Jun 24-28, 2024: In Monterey, CA at the TeachFX company retreat.
  • May 11-17, 2024: In Honolulu, HI attending and presenting at CHI 2024.
  • Apr 29-May 1, 2024: In Seattle, WA attending the Gates Foundation AI Project Pilot convening.
  • Apr 2024: Our papers on individual behavior attribution for classroom activity recognition and scaling mentorship in Côte d’Ivoire have been accepted to IMWUT and L@S, respectively!
  • Jan 2024: Our paper, "ClassInSight: Designing Conversation Support Tools to Visualize Classroom Discussion for Personalized Teacher Professional Development," was conditionally accepted to CHI 2024!
  • Dec 2023: Excited to share that I will be joining TeachFX as a Research Scientist in 2024!
  • Nov 15-18, 2023: In Pittsburgh, PA attending POD2023.
  • Nov 2, 2023: Giving a guest lecture for Dr. Angela Stewart's class, "The Machines are Taking Over? Power, Identity, and the Social Impact of AI," at the University of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh, PA.
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